Leija Turunen

Leija Turunen är en fantastisk person som har mycket bra att säga, en utav hennes YT videos om livets mening, jobb etc har ni här, perfekta tips att starta det nya året med om du känner dig lite vilsen, inte trivs med nuvarande jobb/relation etc! Watch it, I dare you...
- "In this video, you get to see the "I'm kickin' you in the butt because I care" Leija. Haha. :P I guess that when I see people around me that I care about... and really, just people in general- ANYONE who is feeling stuck in life & therefore upset, angry, depressed, anxious, etc. I want to remind them of the truth of the matter... and sometimes, I get overly passionate about it. :D Anyway, the truth of the matter is that anyone can become UNSTUCK. All it takes is a little releasing of those fears, a little courage and a lot of CONNECTING TO YOUR HEART & listening to YOUR OWN internal wisdom!!! Even if you don't know what exactly you want to do, just start off with general things. To stick with the theme of this video (this applies to any passion you have, not just holistic stuff), if you're interested in pursuing holistic/ spiritual modalities & studies, start by taking a simple course in something within that realm. You don't have to have it all figured out. All you need to do is listen to your feelings that are saying "Ok, what I'm doing right now is OBVIOUSLY not right for me because I'm not happy. I'm actually feeling pretty upset most days or frustrated or depressed, like I don't want to do this! I don't know exactly what I want to do, but I know that what I'm doing isn't it. I also know that I like helping people and I'm interested in spiritual stuff, so maybe I should start doing more research on quick courses I could take in that field and just take one of them."

Who you REALLY are is JOY! And your main life purpose is to BE YOURSELF (JOY) & express it in every moment, regardless of what's going on in your life. Sure, we experience sadness, anger, and other emotions, but these emotions are not who you really are! They are only passing states & quite often lead us in the direction of joy. When you know what you don't want, or if something is making you upset, it gives you the contrast you need to do what is going to make you feel good. 

Even though joy is who I feel we really are, and just flowing with that joy in every moment is what we're really here to do, I understand this can be challenging for people but since we do need to make money, get a job/ career on this planet to survive- So, going after something that makes you feel really excited is your best bet! It will not only bring abundance your way, it will help you to stay more connected to joy (yourself) more often. Your biggest passions can change. Whatever your biggest passion is RIGHT NOW, whether it's something in the arts- music, painting, dance, creative writing, etc., or helping people/ animals, or working/ living in more harmony with nature (ahem...co-creating paradise- yeeeeah boii) ... or a combo of some of the above- As long as you feel tons of excitement when you think about it & DO IT, make sure you're doing it, or taking the steps to get there very soon!

I mentioned in this video that I have a fear-releasing exercise- It's one that I got out of this Doreen Virtue Angel Oracle Card deck called "Angel Therapy". I find it to be very effective! It may not release everything in that ol' subconscious, but it's a start, right? So here it is:

Take out two or more sheets of paper and a pen (or if desired, you can conduct this process on your computer by opening a blank word-processing document). Breathe deeply and relax your muscles. Then at the top of the page, write, "Archangel Michael (if you don't believe in angels, just write, "Dear God" or "Dear Universe" or whatever works for you). What do I need to release to be fully on my path and purpose?" Jot down everything that comes to mind, including your thoughts, feelings, visions, or words. The pen may even seem to write on its own, which is safe and normal when connecting with Michael's loving energy. Make a note of everything you receive, even if you don't understand its meaning. Then take the paper (or print out the paper from your computer) and ceremoniously destroy it, immersing it in water, or burying it while simultaneously declaring, "I now fully release anything that is not for my highest good."

I recommend taking your time releasing the fears, and any emotions that come up- allow yourself to cry if need be. BUT, after a good release, bring your focus to your passions, your HIGHEST excitement, or to anything you really want to do in life, but haven't done yet. Write your dreams, visions, & goals down (regardless of how "unrealistic" they seem now), along with a few simple action steps you could take today!"
By Leija Turunen

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